Showing posts with label Extreme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extreme. Show all posts

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Jumping Stilts - The Newest Extreme Sports - What they are and why you have to jump!

Have you ever heard of jumping stilts? If you have not, it is not too surprising, since they are fairly new - but I bet now that you have, you will not regret! If you are an athlete extreme, you are virtually forced to order a couple of these and strap their feet to grab as soon as possible. Have you watched the closing ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympics in China? So this new knights of Italy has seen in action, even though you might not know whatat that time. Jumping Stilts are sports the "most serious" new extreme, and are now available for purchase in the United States for all for you, your extreme sports equipment collection!

We have all seen regular old stilts, and probably even tried, when we were kids. Stilts takes a lot of regular exercise, balance and agility to get along with them. They tend to be embarrassing for most beginners, because the center of balance is located on the stilts, they felt somethingunnatural to use. In contrast to jumping stilts balancing easier and make the world of style Start a new dimension. Here's why: Jumping stilts are made of carbon fiber or fiberglass leaf springs with ties to strap on it.

Jump Starter

Since the rubber feet on the bottom knuckle of the spring is positioned directly below the center of gravity, are designed to be simple and to the bottom line. Associations foot and a mountain snowboard binding and there is also a band or a sleevethat attaches to your leg, just below the knee. Once they have activated, you stand - and now are about 18 inches taller with more spring in your step! After about five minutes, ten minutes walk from the stilts, most people feel comfortable on it and can start to run and bounce.

Once the legs are up and you're comfortable with them, you will start seeing the world as a great springboard. With a little 'practice will be performing in position, any movement or trickyou do on a trampoline or a spring floor. In fact, experts - including myself - highly recommended to perform tricks and stunts on stilts jumping only when you burn "parkour", is the formation of mats or floor in a sort / gym or on a trampoline normal - the surfaces are much more tolerant to your body as concrete, asphalt or grass for that matter.

Many gyms have opened the gym training time, if you use up the gym for practiceTheir movements, and if you ask well, you can also practice their mats and put on your stilts. No matter where you are, be smart and protective clothing safety gear - a helmet guards, wrist and elbow, knee and back - while you are on your stilts.

Jumping stilts offer an excellent education in many ways - the financial year 98% of the muscles of your body, improve balance and coordination and a shock absorber for the joints. They love to run, butOnly the knee hurts too much? These stilts could not give an answer, to start walking without the kind of shock, which tend to have joint pain. So even if you are not in extreme sports, you can jump stilts and get a great workout without the "go extreme." With practice, you can easily run up to 20 mph, jumping up 3-6 feet and have a really fun and good calories, toning workout in just 10-20Minutes.

(The sport is often referred to as' Bocking 'or' Powerbocking "dedicated to the memory of Mr Boeck) originally invented and patented by German engineer Alexander Boeck aerospace, jumping stilts are very popular in Europe won and they are starting their" Member U.S. invasion "- as the Beatles - so you have the opportunity to be at the forefront of a great new fun and sports. Riding the wave and start jumpin!

Jumping Stilts - The Newest Extreme Sports - What they are and why you have to jump!

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